
Why I See Richmond County as RICH! part1

I have lived here all my life with exception of two years in another county. Despite all the negativism and people running after High School and College to other places, they forget how what they have gained in life could help our area, and so off they go never to return again. There are those who have put a lot of blood sweat and tears into this county to make thing better for all. I see things much different than these folks who run. I see a place where God has blessed and given great opportunity to the people of this area. Many times we do not see the wealth of a place until we see someone else capitalize on it. I have heard all the negative, but look at our land, business location, family atmosphere, people who have achieved greatness, we have developed it all. When I walk into many businesses, I see people who are trying to make this community a better place. I could easily walk away and think the grass is greener somewhere else, but it is not. I challenge all Richmond County Residents to pursue new small business and make this place a thriving place. Big business has not been the life of this county, you have! Lets keep Richmond Rich!                                Part 1 of 3

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