
The Richness

Up to now, I have been very sporatic with my mentions. I want to now concentrate on the specifics of this great place. As we work very hard to draw industry to our area, I want to sell the fact that we have the greatest labor force in this region. We also have the greatest education program to prepare the workers. I have purposely attended meetings around this county to understand the mentallity of the people who represent us. When I hear negative, I remember at the poles. We must love our County and City to make it a GREAT place to bring jobs. You know, the slightest hint of negativity will push the largest blessings away. I am here to publish the fact that we love our area and want to make it a place for our kids to come back to and help us make it greater. Thank you to a civic workers who LOVE RICHMOND and honestly are trying to bring the best here. We do deserve the best here. We have educated and raised (as Mom would say) some great people in this nation. We will in the future publish some bios of these folks for you. We want those youth who go and get great educations to sow back into their beginnings. Thank you Educators who tolerated people like myself in our County Schools. Hind sight is for sure 20/20. I really love Richmond County and hope you can see the direction I want it to go. If we talk positive about us, we will see great things happen here.

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